September 16, 2011


Above is what I consider to be a little bowl of 'happy'.  It's a small dish that I have in my front hallway filled with little, pretty things that make me happy.  There are glass hearts, an Eiffel Tower, beach glass, tiny shells and little stones.  It never looks quite the same.  Something might be taken out or put back in.  I have noticed visitors (kids especially) sifting through it with their fingers.

My sister Nancy (who designs beautiful jewelry that I wear it most days) made a comment this week that she can sense happiness in my paintings lately.  (Thanks, Nance. Your ongoing encouragement means so much to me.)  I am feeling happy lately.  Painting more often, moving forward in a creative direction, starting this blog (which serves the artist and writer in me)--they're all helping me to feel happy and right in my world.  I've actually caught myself singing out loud a few times lately.

I also made progress yesterday on making a digital print of one of my paintings.  This has been a real struggle for me with a huge learning curve attached to it. I am really looking forward to being able to show it to you in the very near future.

So here's my wish for you, my readers -- that you find your own little bowl of 'happy' in the days ahead, whether it be by creating something or doing something you enjoy or being with people you love.

"The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself."

Alan Alda


  1. My mother has a passion for pretty rocks and so does her granddaughter. It has been known to happen that a package of rocks has been delivered to our house. I'm sure the postman was amused.

  2. froggy -- I love the image of your postman lugging a package filled with pretty rocks. :) I was a rockhound when I was young. I had books on rocks, a rock hammer and, of course, boxes filled with pretty rocks. Sadly they disappeared in a move years ago.

  3. I love your bowl of happy - I can't believe I never noticed it before - I guess Meeko's greetings make me distracted!

    I'm happy today too. I just came home with bags of beads and ideas in my head...exciting! :)

  4. Hey, Nance. Glad that you found your bowl of 'happy' today. :) Look forward to the new jewelry designs. I'm sure they'll be beautiful.

  5. Anonymous12:23 AM EDT

    Hi Kathy ,

    I've been peaking at your blog lately and have been enjoying it. Love your pictures.


  6. i do hope your bowl overflows with happiness

  7. Margie -- I am sending the same beautiful thought back to you. :)


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