June 7, 2015

Ladybugs, Gardening, HTML and Change

A ladybug with its wings spread
I feel a bit like this ladybug right now--about to spread my wings and take flight. I have been working very hard the past week on my own website. I opened a shop on Big Cartel in January. It was nice but it felt limited. I decided recently to move to Shopify. I have been able build a website there that is much more dynamic and beautiful and I can't wait to show it to you!

I am feeling positively nerdy with my newfound HTML skills. The internet is wonderful. You get stuck and a google search can help you out. Stubbornness helps. Curiosity is a motivator. For particularly puzzling problems, I turned to my two savvy daughters and a talented friend. Figuring out how to make HTML work for you is the closest thing I can think of to reading a mystery novel. The answer is there somewhere. You just have to find it.

For now, the shop links to the right will take you to a page letting you know that my website is under construction. I will post here and on Instagram and Facebook when I open it up. It will be sometime in the next few days.

I have been freshening my products listings for my new website so have been going through my very disorganized photo files this weekend (on my hard drive, memory cards and external drives). I found this fabulous photo today of a ladybug on my paint palette. It was taken two summers ago when I was painting outside at my parents' house in Muskoka. My mom and dad are in the process of moving from their year-round lakeside residence of almost twenty years (and the family cottage of about 35 years) to a new home in town. Lots of changes.

A ladybug on a watercolor paint palette
A couple of weeks ago, I took some new photos of my ladybug print. I did the original painting over 20 years ago and it is still one of my favourite watercolours. I have held on to the original. The print looks so much like it!

This gardening season, I have commited to redoing some of my product photography when the corresponding flowers are available in the garden. I love the combination of my paintings and prints with their real-life inspiration. 

Ladybugs, gardening, HTML and change. What my June is made of.

Watercolor painting of ladybug and flowers
Ladybug art print ©Kathleen Maunder (Trowel and Paintbrush)
Ladybug climbing up my gloved finger

❤  ❤  ❤  ❤  


  1. Oh oh lady, you'll have to tell me more about that !! (in an email maybe ?) You're making me very very curious !
    PS : great job !!!!!! :)

    1. It just seemed like a better choice--more for the money. More flexibility and control. I really like the way it looks and can't wait to launch it. I'd be happy to tell you more if it's helpful. :) xo

  2. Kathleen,
    Good for you! Go for it! There has been a lot of change in my life lately, too, and sometimes it feels like I am just treading water, keeping my head above it, taking tiny breaths to stay afloat. Things just keep changing, and some of it is really, really great! Anyway, I finally am working on my ornaments today, after a 6 month time away (dealing with life), the table is all set up, now I just have to take my seat and begin! It's hard to disengage with the other things staring at me, wanting to be accomplished- but I know creating will energize me for other things. Thank you for this post, I feel a kinship!

    1. Thanks, Nancy. It's good to know we're not alone in what we go through. Good luck with everything! And, yes, I agree that making room for creative moments is so important although sometimes hard to do.

  3. Kathleen you are brave. I don't think I could figure all the computer dialogue out like you are doing. Your work is lovely as always. Looking forward to seeing the new website. love,Diana

    1. Well, I sure haven't figured it all out! :) But I'm happy with the little bit I have learned. I really hope people enjoy my new website. Thanks for the kind words, Diana.

  4. Pretty ladybug and good luck with the shop! :-)



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