January 14, 2012

Frosting & Hearts

We have snow and sunshine here today.  What a lovely combination.  Everything looks like it's covered in frosting.

I am having fun experimenting with my printer.  I never thought I'd see the day that I would use the words 'fun' and my 'printer' in the same sentence. :) I'm adding prints to my Etsy shop as I complete them. I added 'Loveknot' this week and will add others in the days ahead.

Loveknot (5 x 7 print on Velvet Fine Art Paper)
The image below isn't in my shop yet but will be soon.  It's called Pink Heart.  I did the original painting many years ago.  This image was one of my most popular images when I was running my Florescence card company fulltime. (My cards used to be carried in stores across North America.) I am completely sold out of the 5 x 7 Pink Heart cards but still have some gift cards that I hope to add to my Etsy shop along with some frameable prints of the image.  Yesterday, I tried printing the Pink Heart on several kinds of real watercolour paper and was blown away by the results. In my hand are two prints:  one on Fabriano paper (bottom) and the other on handmade Saint-Armand paper (top).

I know they are prints but, looking at them, I have trouble believing they are not my original painting. I'll do a bit more experimenting before choosing which version goes into my shop.

The Pink Heart image also has an interesting history.  It was once copied by a big U.S. company. They picked up samples of my cards at the New York Stationery Show where I had a booth. Then they 'created' their own version by changing the details slightly.  They admitted to it when I challenged them on it. They did pay to use some of my other images on their merchandise.


  1. Kathleen!

    I can't believe those are both prints! I thought the top heart was the original for sure! Looks fantastic!
    So interesting that the company actually admitted to using your image. I hope you were compensated justly.

    We finally had snow here yesterday.(Your pictures are lovely! I think you have a bit more snow than us!) My boys have had a rough week. My youngest broke his arm last Saturday and my oldest has been sick with every symptom in the book and a few hospital visits. :( BUT! They are feeling better and we made it out into the winter wonderland that was packing snow and a "warm" day yesterday. Today is pretty darn cold and everything seems to be frozen solid. Another indoor day today. Boooooo!

    Here's to a new (better) weekend! :)


  2. Oh, my, Kathleen, those prints look amazing! I wouldn't be able to guess they aren't originals.
    x, Val

  3. Jody--Oh dear, that sounds like quite a week for your boys and for you. I hope they are on the mend soon. My husband is the one who is sick here--bronchitis at least and an x-ray this morning to eliminate pneumonia. Just came back from a walk with Meeko and Chloé: very cold but beautiful!

    Val--Thanks! I was quite amazed by the results. xx

  4. good for you to fight that company
    i hate stealing.
    your prints do look amazing!!!

  5. Margie--I hate stealing too and it seems particularly greedy and lazy for big companies to do it. I had another company do it to me too. I had licensed art to them for one use and they used for another. I found out quite by accident. This was all before internet days. Now pretty much anyone can have access. I feel so much for Geninne and how much of that she goes through. (I had to email her yesterday to tell her about my print tests. I was so excited!)

  6. the "cake" is excellent !

  7. What beautiful prints they are amazing. So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog and so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I'm now following you, wonderful to meet new friends. Hope you find a spare minute to visit me sometime follow back if you like. Sending you special wishes for a wonderful New Year I’m looking forward to keeping in touch in 2012.
    Always Wendy

  8. Émilie--Isn't it beautiful?...like it's on a cake pedestal!

    Wendy--How nice of you to visit and join as a follower. Thank you for your nice comments and I've already visited your blog in return. :)

  9. beautiful prints kathleen
    unfortunately that's what they do
    change it slightly and call it their own.
    keep up the great work

  10. Arounna--Thanks so much for your kind words. :)


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