December 27, 2011

Like A Bird

Like our beautiful backyard birds (in this case the cardinal), we will be flitting from house to house and feeder to feeder in the days ahead.  I'm not sure if I will be posting.

I hope you all continue to enjoy your holidays and are able to spend time with family and friends. I am looking forward to a wonderfully creative new year. I wish you all the same. I can't wait to get back to my paintbox. :)

(The photo was taken by my daughter Chloé.)


  1. Like that birdie, some people think they look a bit grumpy, but such lovely colour, it's fabulous.Hope you have a lovely time tripping around! Best wishes for the new year! X

  2. chloe is a wonderful photographer

  3. Bird is lindo!!


    Rosangela _ Brazil

  4. First of all I have to thank you so much for the recipe, i,ll try it as soon as I can!!

    Congratulations to the photographer! it,s a beautifull bird. We don,t have cardinals here.

    Hope you have a wonderfull time "like a bird" ! I wish you and all your family a happy new year, and all the best for 2012!

  5. Thanks everyone for the lovely comments on the photo. I've told Chloé that she has some fans. :) Wishing you all a wonderful year too.

    P.S. Doesn't our cardinal look like he may have eaten a little too much Christmas dinner? :)

  6. Such beautiful color of those feathers! Hope you´ll have a great 2012! :-)

  7. One of my favorite birds... Such a lowly shot. He's all fattened up for the winter months. How I'd love to see one of these in my backyard!

    Happy New Year to you, Kathleen :o)

    x, Val

  8. Tina and Val--Still traveling, almost home. Happy New Year to you both!

  9. Birds in the garden are such a joy to watch (and paint!).

    Hope yours aren't as noisy as ours at the moment (dawn chorus starts around 4.15 am....)

    Here's to many more wonderful paintings and photographs (well done Chloe!) in 2012!

  10. Cindy--The birds who visit our yard in the winter are quiet and polite for the most part (except for the blue jays who are a little demanding sometimes). I wish you a wonderful year too with your paintbrush, camera AND trowel!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and to leave me a comment. I love reading them. -- Kathleen

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