January 3, 2012

Back at Home

Four different houses in one week
Two provinces
Four different towns & cities
The above two photos were taken in the Muskoka region of Ontario, Canada
Areas with snow and others with very little
Mild days and freezing cold days
Approximately 1,350 kilometers (838 miles) driven
Countless plates of delicious food, glasses of wine and Christmas baked goods
20 family members hugged
3 dogs patted

We are happy to have celebrated with everyone
But also happy to be home
Even the dogs are tired :)
My sister's dog Mabel
My brother's dog Marlowe
Meeko loved visiting and caused as much mischief as possible but is now
happily asleep in his favourite spot on our sofa
We will leave our tree and decorations up a few more days
We barely see them during the holidays

My routine will become more normal in the days ahead
My daughters go back to school on the 10th
I can't wait to start painting again

I hope you all had wonderful holidays
and I wish you the very best in the new year.

(The top photo was taken by my niece Katie, 
the others by myself and my daughters ChloƩ and Emma)


  1. Wow, you sure have had a lot going on - you could need a little vacation after the vacation! :-D

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful yummy time. Hope all went well. Back to base now and lots of good things for the new year I hope for you. X Lovely doggy pics, thanks!

  3. It was a great holiday! I loved the walks in the woods and I know you equally enjoyed your chases through the bush with Meeko. :)

    I can't wait to see your new paintings! xo

  4. Tina--A post-vacation vacation would be nice!

    Julie--I'm looking forward to a year full of wonderful creativity. I hope the same for you.

    Nance--It was a great holiday. I'll exclude Meeko's AWOL deer-tracking expedition from the forest walks I enjoyed though. :)


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