May 26, 2015

A Flowery Blue Sea

I love so many flowers but I have a real soft spot for blue flowers. I also love tiny things. My mother says that when I was a baby I used to ignore toys and become completely enraptured with a tiny speck of something. My eye for detail and appreciation of small things have apparently been with me for a very long time! Forget-me-nots fulfill so many loves.

The photo of Meeko above was taken at the edge of a park near us. There is a house that backs onto the park in that spot. Their entire backyard is covered with forget-me-nots! They spill into the park beside. It is the most exquisite sight--like a soft blue cloud. Meeko sat beside me while I took photos. He's so patient when I use my camera although that rightward turn of his head suggests that he is most likely thinking of the squirrels he often sees in the park a bit beyond.

5 x 7 print of my 'Forget-Me-Nots' print
I don't pick bouquets in the big patch of forget-me-nots in the top photo. It feels too much like it's part of a private garden even though it's in a public park. There is a patch of forget-me-nots beside one of the little paths I walk with Meeko. That's where I pick small bouquets. The houses are far away so I don't feel that I'm depriving anyone by picking a few stems.

I also have forget-me-nots in my garden but they are in a very shady spot and haven't bloomed yet although they have buds. Something to look forward to. 

Having fresh forget-me-nots was the perfect reason to retake photos of my forget-me-not print. I am trying whenever possible to incorporate the actual subject of my paintings with my photos. That is not very easily done during our winter months so I have to hurry while things are still in bloom!

I also recently completed a painting of blue scilla that makes the perfect companion to my forget-my-not print--two beautiful blue spring flowers. If you haven't looked at my new website, I hope you'll have a peek. I have added many new items over the past few weeks. 

Blue flower spring duet

Henry David Thoreau wrote of forget-me-nots, "It is one of the most interesting minute flowers. It is the more beautiful for being small and unpretending; even flowers must be modest." I love that. I love them.

❤  ❤  ❤  ❤  


  1. I too love Forget-me-nots, You have captured their pretty dainty flowers so lovely in your paintings. They grow wild here where I live and have been in abundance this year, I have forbidden Mr France to get his strimming machine out until they have finished flowering.

    1. Thank you, Barbara! To have forget-me-nots growing wild on your property sounds absolutely wonderful. I wouldn't trim them either!

  2. I have that little, pretty flower in my garden too! :-)


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