April 3, 2013

Sunshine and Spring Soldiers

The Easter weekend brought sunshine and warmer temperatures to the point that we started thinking of patio furniture, open windows, swimming and lush flower beds. All sorts of irrational summer thinking. It was too early for all of that. The temperatures have plummeted again. It is freezing.

I took these pictures of my crocuses in Saturday's sunlight. I love the first flowers of spring. Brave soldiers that they are.

Today, they are closed tightly as protection against the cold winds. If I knew how to knit, I would make them tiny sweaters and hats. 

The only good side of the freezing temperatures is that I was able to go into the little forest for a walk with Meeko. Once it is warm, the terrain becomes too swampy to walk in. We haven't been there in more than a week because of that. Yesterday, Meeko and I felt like adventurers as we carefully chose our steps and occasionally had to hop across half frozen areas. At one point, I dragged a small, fallen tree so that I could put it across one of the deeper bits to help us cross. Meeko became very excited and picked  up the other end of the tree and helped me to carry it. We are partners in everything.

When not on forest adventures, I've been working on adding more prints to my shop. I recently added a large print of my lilacs painting. I printed it on real watercolor paper. This one was printed on 140 lb. hot-pressed Fabriano paper. I work so hard at matching my prints to my original work. Sometimes, though, the printer can't capture the subtlety of certain colours. So I did an experiment. I applied a watercolour wash on top of the finished print where I felt that some of the richness of colour was missing. It worked beautifully!

Other new prints in my shops are here: radishes and coffee. (That's an odd duo. :)


  1. I have an urge now to draw little crocuses in knit sweaters... the only thing useful I could do with real knitting needles would be to use toast marshmallows on them.
    Lovely lilacs... a nice glimpse of what's to come.... once it stops being cold and windy! :))

    1. Those who can't knit, draw! Fantastic idea for knitting needles, Melody. Made me laugh.

  2. Oh, I envy you these first little flowers - seems like forever until I´ll see such here. Pretty painting!

  3. Such lovely crocuses, poor little things for braving the cold again !
    I can imagine how frustrating it must be not to get the right colors with the printer !!
    We also get warm spells then cold spells, and so on & so on ... that's why we all get ill again !
    big hugs to you & Meeko ! ox

    1. Spring flowers are amazingly resilient. They have to be! I think the hardest part of this time of year is all of the back and forthness (I just made up a word). :)

  4. I wake up to that lovely print every day! I like your little touches to it, that is brilliant, it's a technique that some illustrators use, printing out something (photograph or such like) onto w'col paper and then working on it, the process can go on several times. Pretty croci, sunny colour, I think ours came out, but were flattened by the snow, poor things. We are promised some warmth by the weekend here, 12degrees, this time last year it was 17 already!

    1. Ah, thanks Julie! I'm glad you are happy with it. That is cool to know that I am using a timeworn practice. It will be fun to experiment some more. Yesterday there was a high of -5C. Can that even be called a high? :)

  5. Dear Kathleen - I know this up and down weather is hard on the soul that longs for sunshine and crocus blooming...yours look so pretty and I am sure they will again. Sounds like you and Meeko are making the best of this teasing of the weather. Your print is gorgeous - I had a friend who would make me prints on watercolor paper...her artistry was in making the prints beautiful. Have a wonderful week and enjoy this day.

    1. The transition between winter and spring is hard for sure. There were snowflakes in the air again today but, as you say, you just have to make the best of it and know it's just a matter of time.

  6. Great iddea, the watercolor touch up on the print. It looks beautiful;-)

    1. Thanks, Annamaria. It's worth experimenting sometimes. :)

  7. The crocuses are so lovely! No signs of flowers here yet. But soon, I suspect. I could use a helper like Meeko!

    1. Hoping your flowers come soon! I'm lucky to have him.


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