January 10, 2013

A Little Winter Beauty

Here is a selection of scenes from our stay over the holidays in Muskoka, the cottage region in Ontario where my parents live. They didn't have as much snow as some years, but it was just enough to be pretty. We walked a lot when we were there.

Do you see Woody Woodpecker in the above photo? It's a pileated woodpecker. They are so big and noisy (both their knocking and squawking)! Wish I'd had my long-range lens when I saw it.

Emma was looking at some older paintings I did in my studio just before Christmas and was saying that I should do landscapes again. I used to paint a lot of landscapes, especially when I worked in oils many, many years ago but also when I started working in watercolour many years ago. Maybe I'll paint one of these beautiful Muskoka scenes in the weeks ahead.

I'm not really fond of photos taken of me and I don't tend to be very cooperative. My sneaky daughter ChloƩ managed to snap this one between the trees.


  1. Lovely snowy shots, we have way too much mud here, slushing about in it :( Woodpecker is great, such a big bird. Always nice to see what's happening in other parts of the world. Ta :)

    1. We've lost a lot of snow the past few days not to the mud point but it's been sad to see it diminish.

  2. Aaaaah snow ... the magic white powder ... thanks for refilling my snow batteries ! ;-D
    Thank you so much for sharing these photos with us all, I hope everything is doing great for you & yours.

    1. Hoping for more of the magic white powder in the days and weeks ahead and a few snowflakes for you too! :)

  3. I would love to see your landscapes paintings; it is such a difficult work. ChloƩ's photo is perfection ! This is Kathleen, from Canada, and snow all around, just great !

    1. I will post some of them soon. I have been loving the snow lately but it is melting right now.

  4. all our beautiful snow has melted this weekend with this crazy warm spell. I do hope we get some more before nature is totally confused by things.

    1. We are having the same kind of weather. :(


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