December 19, 2012

Water and Snow

Yesterday, despite a million other things I should have been doing, I sat down to paint a little and was so glad I did.

I have a habit of scooping something from the fruit bowl and taking it up to my studio to paint. Unfortunately, sometimes I get diverted by other things and forget it's there. One of fruit's virtues and, I suppose, downfalls is that it is very quiet. It might be useful if it shouted down the stairs every now and then 'Hey Kathleen, you might want to get up here, there's only so long we'll last!'

I did get up there in time. I did remember. Chloé was the one who suggested that I leave one pomegranate whole and cut one in half. I love the juxtaposition of the outside peel and the wonderful seedy inside of the fruit.  I painted it on a beautiful pad of Sennelier rough grain paper that Lucile gave me this past summer. I was thinking about Lucile when I painted the pomegranates and I tried to leave my painting a little looser than I normally do--inspired by her endlessly beautiful and fluid watercolour paintings.

Meeko and I are so happy to have our forest path back. We can only walk there during the winter as it is too swampy the rest of the year. We are so lucky that it is at the end of our street--a tiny slice of natural paradise in the middle of a suburban development.  It is the only place that I will let him go off-leash. He knows the routine. He knows the path. It provides a wonderful combination of freedom and peace for both of us.
On one of our walks this week, Meeko and I walked past one of the last bits of autumn colour outside--a lovely leaf hanging on despite the wintry weather around it.

Making our Christmas tourtières is one of the next things on my list. Still a number of things to check off my in order to be ready for the days ahead. Good luck with your lists!


  1. I just love your painting of the pomegranates. I hope to be at a painting level near you one day but for now, I keep practicing and I admire your work : )

    1. Thank you so much, Valerie. I hope that your painting efforts bring you much joy.

  2. This painting is delightful, Kathleen ! Pomegranate must be so hard to paint ! So intricate !
    I'm so happy you have a place with nature so close to you, you & Meeko must be enjoying it all year around !

    1. Thanks so much, Sonia. I love the pattern of the seeds inside the a wonderful puzzle.

  3. Lovely sheen on that pomegranate inside and the little jewel fruits.Nice watercolour overall!
    We are up to our knees in mud, keep trying to find a path that's not too waterlogged, not easy. It seems strange that your walk is not swampy at this time of year? My normal walks are swampy :)

    1. Thank you, Julie, for your lovely comments.

      It gets cold here to the point that the swampy parts freeze solid! There is a big snowstorm coming here tomorrow. Hope you get some snowflakes too.

  4. Love your fruit - I am (LOL) - I have a lemon setting on my studio table and I think it has been there for a week because I haven't had time to get in there - I think I must tonight or it may be getting bad. Have a wonderful day.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one to neglect fruit on my studio table. Poor things! :)

  5. the dog is so cute, I'm sure he had fun in the snow! Merry Christmas!

    1. He adores the snow! Merry Christmas to you too!

  6. Merry busy Christmas my friend! All my best wishes for you and your familyxxoo

    1. Thank you, sweet friend. I wish you wonderful holidays with your family.

  7. When I saw your painting, I said OOOOH ! this is a beautiful one, and I love pomegranate....and was so surprised when I saw my name, thanks Kathleen, hugs from Paris, I have to go back to Sennelier, when I see your gorgeous art, you make me think I should be painting; Merry Christmas !
    Emma and Chloé are so cute in the snow in your last post and what happened to Meeko ? pooooooor Meeko with reindeer antlers on his head ! HA HA HA ! I love it !

    1. I smiled all the way through your comments, Lucile! I look forward to seeing many new, beautiful paintings by you in 2013. Big hugs.


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