December 17, 2012

To Cut, To Cut The Christmas Tree

Yesterday, despite the very cold weather, we ventured on our annual Christmas tree cutting expedition. This is a family tradition that extends to my own childhood. The tree farm we have gone to for the past three years is about an hour's drive from home. This farm actually sell cut trees at a location very near to our house but somehow going to a lot isn't the same as choosing your own tree in the middle of a snow-covered field.

Meeko is always very excited to go anywhere in the car even if he doesn't know where he is going to end up. A tree farm is much better than the vet!

This is Emma and ChloĆ© standing in front of our chosen tree just before it was cut. It was so cold that they actually went back to the car and let Mama and Papa Lumberjack cut it down. There are many goofy photos of the junior lumberjacks that I would have loved to have included but unfortunately I was not given permission.

Here's the tree with its lights on. That's my job. ChloƩ and Emma then added the decorations. (If you squint a little, you can see one of Geninne's beautiful bird prints on the wall to the left of the tree. We have five of them in our family room.)

Even Meeko is getting excited about Christmas. Actually, I'm not sure he was all that joyful about having reindeer antlers on his head but he was a very good sport about it.

There was a lovely snowfall last night as we were decorating our tree. It's amazing how a little snow makes everything feel more Christmassy. For those of you living in places where snowflakes are rare or non-existant, I'll try to share more snowy photos in the days ahead. Good luck with all of your holiday preparations.

Snow-covered clematis seed heads in our garden last night


  1. Ahh what a wonderful post ! Your tree is beautiful, and your girls so gorgeous !!! And Meeko ... awwwww what a sweetheart to sport the antlers, what a sweet boy !
    And yes yes yes I'll take as many snow photos as you'll feel like sharing ! ;-)

    1. Thank you, sweet friend. Wouldn't it be nice if we could trade a little weather every now and then. By February-March, everyone is sick of the snow here and would be happy to have a little warmth. :)

  2. you picked a real beauty. I think tree gathering is on the agenda here for tonight, weather willing.

    1. I'm sure you picked a beautiful tree, plus you have that gorgeous one on your wall.

  3. I wish we had all that snow
    your girls look lovely by the chosen tree
    have a great christmas kathleen!

    1. Thank you, Arounna. I hope you get a little snow. I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday and an amazing new year!

  4. It´s a beautiful tree and Meeko looks satisfied..! :-)

    1. Thanks, Tina. Meeko has been such a good boy this Christmas. He just seems happy to be with us. Before, he was always getting into mischief and we actually had to fence the Christmas in! Not this year. Hope you have lovely holidays with your family including Saga and Elsa.

  5. Beautiful tree, Girls, Dog, Paintings, all beautiful. Hope you have a lovely Christmas Kathleen. X :0)

    1. Thanks, Julie. And to you too, my friend.


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