January 30, 2012

January Countdown

I have had a real case of the January blahs.  Does that ever happen to you?  I finally put my finger on what has been bothering me:  nothing in particular and everything in general. Yup, that seems to be it. The good news is that there is only one more day to go until the beginning of a new month.

I had a lovely lift on Saturday.  There was an unexpected knock at the door and a dear, sweet friend was standing there with a bouquet of heart candles for me. Isn't that the nicest thing to do?
You can make them too. Wonderful Margie of Resurrection Fern posted instructions for three beautiful Valentine craft projects including these very candles on the Poppytalk site.  

I love my candles. They even smell nice because of the beeswax.  Now I just need to convince Emma or ChloĆ© to make a beautiful Valentine cake.


  1. Yes, I've definately had blah days this month and YES - that was really sweet! Friends like that are great to have! :-)

    1. I'm hoping for a lovely February--for you too! I am truly lucky to have such a thoughtful friend.

  2. Ooh they are lovely those candles. I liked the ice heart too,that she did, it would make such a fantastic valentines card, with the heartmelting theme.I've seen similar done for Christmas. Cake sounds good too, that would get the mojo going again!! Yum. :)

    1. Margie's ice hearts are so beautiful too! I just would hate to see them melt. :)

  3. Margie has the nicest ideas, and oh it was so sweet from your friend to surprise you with these ! SO nice !!
    I haven't had the January blahs, instead I can't keep up with emails, feel sleepy earlier in the evening, and don't feel like I'm very productive.
    OK, pass me a piece of the Valentine cake when it's ready ! ;-)

    1. Margie has wonderful ideas about so many things. She is a real source of inspiration. I will definitely let you know when the cake is ready. :)

  4. With such nice comments about Margie...I,ll have to go to see her blog!! Your hearts are so sweet, Friends like yours are very speciall! you,re very lucky!!

    1. You will love Margie's blog, Karin. I am lucky and I have some very nice blog friends too. :)

  5. Hi Kathleen -
    I followed your link over from Still blog.
    Your Canadian landscapes look so familiar to my Minnesotan eyes. Your watercolors are lovely. Have you see the blog of watercolor artist Heather Smith Jones? I am guessing so...but in case it slipped past you, I thought you would like her art. She uses lots of white space like you do. I like that, as you can tell from Stillblog. ;-)
    Mary Jo

    1. Mary Jo--I am so touched by your words, I have tears in my eyes. Thank you so much for your comments on my paintings. I think our climates and landscapes are similar. I received one of Heather Smith Jones' books for Christmas but don't really know her body of work. I will look more closely at it. Your blog is stunningly beautiful. I love your use of white space. I felt like I was in a museum and I love museums! :)

  6. the comments and responses here are so full of love and warmth
    I am think I might need to shed my warm sweater.
    big hug

  7. your friend is sooooo nice! you are so lucky!


    1. Amanda--You are so right! I am lucky to have such a thoughtful friend. I checked out your blog. Very nice. Congrats on the blogiversary.


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