December 6, 2011

A Rainbow and the Promise of Snowflakes

Here is a very beautiful double rainbow sent all the way from Mifflintown Pennsylvania to my mom by a new reader of my blog.  Thank you, Ruth. Heartfelt thanks to everyone for their rainbows, kind thoughts and words.  My mom really appreciated them.

I am going to turn to more Christmas-oriented posts in the days ahead.  Well, because 'we need a little Christmas' now.

Here's another version of the same song, an oldie but goodie (for added entertainment, watch the skaters):

There is the promise of snowflakes here this afternoon which I'm sure will help my Christmas spirit. :)

1 comment:

  1. This double rainbow is amazing and so pure ! Beautiful !
    I admire the blue topping on the Emma's rainbow cupcakes too :)


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