December 15, 2011

Do we have to make our own?

First of all, it is so dark today that our exterior Christmas lights turned on at 9:30 a.m. this morning!  They are on a timer with a light sensor and usually go on at about 4:00 p.m. when the afternoon light starts to fade.

And, then, to top it off it is raining. No, not raining. Pouring. All day long. Remember when I posted about loving the rain a couple of months ago?  Well, I don't when it's December 15th and dark and cold and Christmas is only a week away.

So what do you do when the snowflakes are lacking?  I guess you make your own.  I found the paper snowflakes by the computer upstairs. Emma was making them in between homework assignments. If she didn't have so much to do still at school, I would commission her to make me a whole backyard of paper snowflakes! I found some snow in my kitchen cupboard--coarse salt. (Thanks for the idea Sonia!)

Next, I gathered all of the winter paintings I could find.  Some of the paintings I did a long time ago.  The tiny blue one was done earlier this year.  It was one of those magical winter mornings when the trees, shrubs and perennials were all covered by snow.  The dried queen anne's lace stems looked like they were each tenderly holding their own snowball.  Wouldn't it be lovely to wake up to one of those mornings sometime soon?

Dear Santa, 

I don't want a lot for Christmas.
Just a little bit of sunshine and a few snowflakes please.

Love, Kathleen xx


  1. i am thinking of heading north to find some snow

  2. Margie--If you find some, can you xpresspost me a bit?

  3. tinajo--Thanks Tina. I looked at your blog today too and think it's funny that our December 15th posts were in sync!

  4. It's pretty dark and grim here too, but there has been snow about! Would like some bright sunny frosty mornings please. ;)

  5. What a pretty collection Kathleen! No chance of snow here, ever! Christmas day may be a stinking hot day with a beach visit thrown in to cool off.

    Hope that wet stuff falling turns into the white flakes for you soon.

  6. Julie--I've sent Santa a wish for bright, frosty mornings for you!

    Cindy--We snow-wishers must appear like odd ducks to those of you in the Southern Hemisphere who only see ice in your freezers! :)

  7. Anonymous8:02 AM EST

    your painting with the snow capped queen anne lace is simply exquisite & so well captured !
    ah, we are so desperate for snow, we need to find the best ideas for making up for it ! LOL
    have a great weekend !

  8. Sonia--I appreciate your comments so much. Have a wonderful weekend too. :)

  9. I also am waiting for snow.....
    love your paintings...I wish I could paint!
    We did a few paper snowflakes too and used them with spray snow on the back windows...
    Happy Christmas hope you have snow!
    Sherry, who misses the butterflies

  10. Sherry--You are creative in so many other ways! Your photography skills are amazing. We have paper snowflakes on our windows too and used one of the same books that you have. :)
    Wishing you snow and happy holidays and that the butterflies return soon (the mixed up wishes of snow-lovers and garden-lovers)!


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