September 20, 2011

I Love the Rain

I love the rain.  I love the quiet elegance of my garden when it is drenched with rain--the dark gray pavers, the black earth, the subdued contrast between the plants.

Rain is also associated with childhood memories.  When I smell the rain-soaked earth, I think of camping trips when I was young as it rained so often when we were on family holidays.

I walk in the rain.  I garden in the rain.  Probably the only time I don't like it is when it is rainy and very, very cold.

When I walk with Meeko on rainy days, the walks are more intimate.  I am less likely to see as many fellow walkers.  And, especially on the days with hard rain, when I do pass someone, there's often a nod, an unspoken camaraderie.

This morning's rain was quite lovely and light.  Here are a couple of images from my walk this morning:

"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet."

Roger Miller


  1. Those red berries are so very pretty :)

  2. Rebekka -- I think they're pretty too and the raindrops are the finishing touch!

    I saw them in a little forested area near my house. I think it's a highbush cranberry bush.

  3. I grew up in some really rainy climates - one had over 100 inches a year. Now I live in an area that gets 7 inches a year. I loves the rain!

  4. froggy -- That makes sense with your name. :)

  5. did you spy any of fern's cousins?

  6. Allo Kathleen! Tes photos sont magiques, la première invite au calme et à la détente et les autres ressemble à des bonbons!!! xxxxxx

  7. Margie -- I haven't yet, but I will keep my eyes down and open. :)

  8. Chantal -- Merci beaucoup pour les beaux commentaires sur mes photos. Je les apprécie tellement. Ça était une belle journée sous la pluie. xxxx


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and to leave me a comment. I love reading them. -- Kathleen

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