November 21, 2016

First Snow!

Tiny yellow crabapples covered with first snow. Photo by Kathleen Maunder

We woke up to this season's first snow and it was extraordinarily beautiful. These are crabapples on a row of small trees in our backyard. This variety is called Sir Lancelot. The tiny yellow fruit remind me of jewels. It is particularly nice at this time of year to be left with bits of colour after the leaves have fallen from the trees and shrubs.

Meeko was very excited to see the snow and did two crazy fast loops of the backyard in celebration. I was able to convince ChloƩ to accompany us to the forest for a morning walk before she headed downtown for her classes.

I'm so glad we went as it was absolutely enchanting. All of the trunks and branches of the trees were covered with snow. These photos were taken in colour (you can see a bit of colour in the leaves at the top) but they look like they were taken in black and white. The marshy areas border parts of the pathway through the forest.

As ChloƩ and I drank the beauty of the morning in with our eyes, Meeko dipped his nose in it. To each, their own form of celebration!

Wheaten terrier with nose covered with snow. Photo ©Kathleen Maunder

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  1. Kathleen beautiful photos of the first snow. We too received some of this lovely stuff as well. That Meeko is to cute. Have a super day.

    1. Hello, Deborah, from me and Meeko! Glad you've had your first snow too. It's always special.

  2. Hi Kathleen, we have had snow here in Yorkshire already, last week. It didn't last thankfully. Our new pooch loves water, eek, any large puddles etc, this is all new as our old dog really wasn't keen on getting wet! I could see her diving in there,on your walk, I bet it would be freezing too. Meeko is a delight as always, one eye peeking at us today!

    1. It's always nice to have news from you, Julie. I think this water is both smelly and cold so I'm glad Meeko stays out of it! He does like to swim but this is more of a wading depth. Your new pup sounds like a lot of fun!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and to leave me a comment. I love reading them. -- Kathleen

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