May 30, 2016

A Soft Spot for Pansies

Pansy watercolor prints by Trowel and Paintbrush

One of the things I have been trying to do as often as possible the past couple of years is to create sets of images when I paint. It's not something that I necessarily find to be intuitive. Often I want to paint one thing and then for the next painting, do something quite different! But by trying to offer more sets of images which I think is helpful to customers, I am finding that I do enjoy painting series. This is one of my favourite sets of prints that I currently offer in my shop: my set of four pansy prints. I introduced this set a few months ago but I have pansies on my mind these days because of all of the planting I am doing in my garden!

 Set of Pansy Watercolor Prints

Anyone who has known me for a while is aware of what a soft spot I have for pansies. One of my grandmothers was named Viola. Here's a photo of my recently planted herb pots on our back porch taken in the late afternoon light. Of course, I had to add a pot of sweet little violas!

Pots of herbs and edible flowers, photo by Kathleen Maunder, trowelandpaintbrush

You can view all of my print sets here. I hope to introduce more sets this year. I have several paintings in my studio just waiting to be converted into prints. As with all of my sets, you can also opt to buy the prints individually or to make your own grouping.

And now back to planting!

🌿  ðŸŒ¿  ðŸŒ¿  ðŸŒ¿  ðŸŒ¿


  1. lovely illustrations! pansies are so pretty to paint!

    Hannah at Hannah Venables / A CREATIVE LIFESTYLE BLOG

    1. Thank you! I love painting pansies. They all have their own personality.

  2. Lovely, so beautiful and Diana

    1. Thank you, Diana, for your always lovely words. xo

  3. Lovely prints! And I couldn't agree more. I have been trying to work in sets lately as well and find myself all over the map when it comes to committing to subject matter. Seems to work if I go with something different and THEN go back to the "set".

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with this! Two of my current sets exist because customers asked if I had a companion piece. I realized that I had to think of doing it more often.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and to leave me a comment. I love reading them. -- Kathleen

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