December 10, 2014

And Then It Snowed and Snowed

This morning we woke to a blanket of snow and it kept snowing. In fact, it still is. The first snowstorm of the year.

Despite the weather, well actually because of it, Meeko and I went for a walk in the forest in the early afternoon. We had the whole place to ourselves.

The scenery in the forest was absolutely enchanting. Snow covered every single tree trunk and branch. 
When Meeko runs in the snow, I have this song in my head. 
Look at the snowballs that accumulated on Meeko's legs. It was wet, sticky snow.
We are thawing inside now. It took over a half hour for the snow to melt that had accumulated on Meeko's legs but I think he would agree that it was worth it. We had so much fun!

Today, I was thinking of Emma's friends in her McGill University residence who will be experiencing their first snowstorm. I hope they are able to take a break from studying for their exams to build a snowman together! 

The winds have picked up and it is quite blustery at the moment. I'll be glad once ChloƩ's schoolbus arrives at the corner.

The beauty and challenges of snow.



  1. beautiful pictures... brings back memories! I have lived in Florida most of my life, but 6 years of my childhood were spent up north. I remember so well how lovely the first snowfall is, and how much fun that good, sticky snow is for snowball fights, snow men, sledding. And how frozen my feet and nose used to get!

    1. The first snow is always the best one! I spent most of my childhood in Toronto and there, while it snowed, it didn't really accumulate much. I have memories of visiting my grandparents in the suburbs of Montreal and there was one time the snow went up to their roofline! I'm glad the post brought back your own memories. :)

  2. Looks so nice! Ours is just starting here now. We should be covered in it by tomorrow. I'm sure Rylie will be equally as happy to get out in it tomorrow. :)

    1. Wishing Rylie fun in the snow. I hope Meeko and Rylie will be able to play in the snow together over Christmas.

  3. You take excellent pictures! Thanks for sharing for us who don't have the snow anymore. I actually had to turn the A/C on today, because the oven was heating up the house! UG! But, it was lovely out. I do miss that "snow on every branch" thing!

    1. Thanks so much, Nancy. I can't even imagine using the air conditioning in December! :) My husband often says that he would like to live somewhere where it is warm year-round but I would miss the snow.

  4. There is something quite excitingly magical about first snow falling, I like the quiet hush it brings too. Meek is ace :) Lovely photos Kathleen, hope it doesn't cause you too many problems, you all seem to cope with snow much better than we do over here, have fun with it :) X

    1. It's funny how that first snow always brings so much excitement. We had a lot of it. It kept snowing all day yesterday--very wet and heavy snow so we now have a lot more than shows in these photos. I tried going in the forest again today with Meeko but we turned back about 2/3 of the way in. It was just too hard to walk. Meeko usually bounds out in front of me but he was walking in my boot prints!

  5. Aaargh I'm a little jealous !! ;-) So glad you got your first snowfall ! It looks so pretty, like (heavily) sugar dusted ! Magical !!

    1. It would be nice if we could arrange a little weather exchange, Sonia. I could send you a little snow in exchange for a little heat when we need it. And you are right, it was completely magical in the forest and my garden yesterday. Everything was coated.


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