June 24, 2014

Party Girl in the Garden

Did the title of my post have you wondering what I was up to?

I am very proud to let you know that one of my garden photos has been selected by 'Northern Gardener' magazine for the cover of their July/August issue! That beautiful plant with the ruffled pink flowers grows in my garden and is called Sidalcea 'Party Girl' (also known as Prairie Mallow, Checker Mallow or False Mallow). My photo was chosen to illustrate their article on long-blooming perennials. I planted it fourteen years ago in our back flowerbed and it flowers reliably and beautifully each summer. It provides lovely cut flowers too. A beautiful perennial that requires very little care.

So proud that one of my backyard plants has made the big time! :) Thank you, Northern Gardener magazine, for selecting my photo for your issue. You can read their blog post about the upcoming issue here.


  1. Congratulations Kathleen...this is certainly a lovely flower as well as beautiful photo. I can see why they would have selected it for their front cover. I grow a mallow flowers as well...in fact they reseed down and are just starting to bloom now. Thank you so much for sharing your good news. Have a great day.

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I think my neighbours might have the mallow that you do as it tends to reseed in my garden. It's musk mallow. It's pretty so I don't mind. My prairie mallow is pretty well behaved. ;)

  2. Congratulations Kathleen ~ how exciting to make the front cover of Northern Gardener with your gorgeous Mallow photo {love all the wonderful bokeh}.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks so much, Deb. I'll admit it. I had to look up 'bokeh'. I like using the AV or aperture priority mode on my camera as it gives that nice effect which I didn't know the name of until now. :)

  3. Thanks so much for the nice words about my garden and paintings. :)


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