November 7, 2013

Garden Lullaby

This week, I gave myself a gift. I took a break from my work and spent a day and a half in the garden getting it ready for winter. I often say "I need my garden and my garden needs me". It is without a doubt a reciprocal relationship. Whatever I give, I receive back in beauty, a rested mind and restored spirit.

I was lucky that the weather was unseasonably mild. It was perfect for gardening. There have been plenty of years when I have done end-of-season work while freezing. There have also been years where I have been completely surprised by early snow and have had to leave the garden in its messy state until spring.

I removed annuals from pots and flower beds. I trimmed a few perennials although I leave most of them intact until spring to serve as bird food and winter interest. I moved a few perennials to better places and cleaned up the vegetable garden. I was happy to find a small patch of violas still in bloom in the center of the veggie patch.

I always have mixed emotions at this time of year. There is sadness that the growing season has come to a close. At the same time, I feel a sense of peace with the quiet state of the garden and a sense of hope at what the next year will bring.

Some of the trees and shrubs are completely bare. Others still have bits of color.

Yesterday's sunshine provided me with a late-season encounter with a garden friend. A little ladybug took a tour around my garden-gloved hand before taking off.

Throughout, I worked under the thoughtful gaze of my garden supervisor.
I am hoping that the good weather holds out a bit longer. I have a big order of spring bulbs on its way to me. Their shipment was delayed and I won't be able to plant them until next week.  Keep your fingers crossed for me that they arrive before temperatures plunge!


  1. Lucky you, being able to put your garden to sleep before your cold winter arrives. We had mild weather where I live in France,,and was hoping to get my bulbs planted, but it's been raining for a whole week, and the garden looks like a bog. So I didn't get to work on the project we have in progress, however I did get to do some sketches & watercolour paintings & that made me happy.

    1. Weather can be so unpredictable this time of year. Sorry about the rain but the painting time sounds wonderful. :)

  2. Dear Kathleen - gardening is one of the best tonics for the soul...I know it is for me. So glad you had a lovely day to spend in your garden. Have a beautiful weekend. Hope good weather comes for planting those bulbs. I had to plant mine in the cold and rain last weekend. :(!

    1. Definitely! I always come back into the house in a better frame of mind after gardening.

      I've certainly planted bulbs in bad weather before. Hard on the hands! We'll see what conditions I end up with this time.

  3. I agree, I have mixed emotions as the garden quiets down. I'm not a fan of winter, but love the anticipation of spring! Your little viola must have been a happy surprise.

    1. Oh yes! There is so much that is completely gone in the garden. To have discovered that little patch of color was wonderful! :)

  4. Meeko is such a pretty dog. Your garden photos are beautiful too. The ladybugs have made their way into our house as they always do this time of year.

    1. He is a handsome boy for sure. His cuteness has saved him several times when he has gotten into mischief! :) We've had ladybugs in the house before too.

  5. I'll keep fingers & toes crossed for you that the weather will hold on & keep on being reasonnable until you get the spring bulbs !
    Thanks so much for your visit, I've been such a lame blog pal, but these days are pretty busy & full of mixed feelings, just like you. And the busy-ness may not gonna stop before a long time.
    Wishing you a delightful weekend, and oh, I forgot to say how much I loved your recipe cards ! Your quaint watercolors are just the perfect match for such a paper medium.

    1. Thanks, Sonia! I completely understand. I find it hard to get around to all of the blogs I like lately too.

      The bulbs arrived on the weekend and the forecast looks good at the end of the week for planting. Lucky me!

  6. I loved your recipe cards too,very organised! Meeko looks splendid, he looks to be supervising so well :) I hope you get the bulbs in, it is always so rewarding when they pop up in spring, joyous in fact! It's just turning colder here, first frosts etc, looking forward to spring already :)))

    1. Thanks, Julie! He likes when I'm out in the yard with him. I love bulb planting. So much hope involved! :)

  7. Sweet Meeko - must be a great companion in the garden! :-)

  8. i wonder if the snow came for you too as it did here

  9. Your photos are just stunning! Thanks so much for them!


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