June 13, 2012

Peonies, Poppies and Pea Gravel

This week so far, we've had intense heat, rain and cold.  I'm glad I took some photos of the Oriental poppies and peonies before the rain yesterday, because some of them have definitely suffered since.  I cut some peonies today to put in a vase, as the weight of the rain broke their stems.

But despite certain tolls in the garden, it really is starting to feel more like summer. Emma and Chloé finished their classes last Friday. Now they only go in on days they have exams.

I have to work extra hard to accomplish things in the studio between acting as taxi driver, pool lifeguard and lunch monitor.  Aside from those extra daily duties now, I really find my focus goes out the window as soon as others are in the house. I have to work on that.

Here's a little tour of my garden this week (some pre- and some post-rain):

'Kansas' Peony
The peonies bowing down to the turtle were the ones I had to cut. Note the lovely Meeko-proof irrigation sculpture.
Peony 'Duchesse de Nemours'
Oriental Poppy 'Princess Victoria Louise' behind a Meeko-proof fence
Poppy smushed by the rain, not Meeko
This would be the perfect reading spot if the bench wasn't so darn uncomfortable.
It's hard to find weather-proof garden furniture that's comfy.
I built this pea gravel pathway just before we got Meeko two years ago. I had visions of Meeko running back and forth on this path, playing fetch with me and dutifully avoiding my flower beds. Little did I know that he would be claiming the whole back yard and all of its contents as his kingdom.

"None of the stories Kathleen tells about me are true."


  1. It's so darn pretty - why can't you come over to Sweden and help me out?! :-)

  2. Photos are beautiful Kathleen, peonies and poppies so gorgeous, like floaty dresses? You have to forgive Meeko his gardening escapades, when he looks like that! I do totally understand the problems of concentrating when people are in the house...even when they have nothing to do with you and leave you alone, I still struggle to focus! I'd like to hop on that plane to Sweden too, I've always wanted to visit since doing my thesis on Carl Larsson at Uni, only 22 years ago? I'll get there one day!!!

  3. whoops sorry meant 32 years ago, where did that 10 years go to?

    1. Yes, I love your comparison to floaty dresses. They have about a million petals. Maybe I should count them one day?

      I'm glad I'm not the only one who has trouble concentrating when others are in the house!

      I lose decades sometimes. :) More than once, someone has mentioned something happening in, say, 1998 and I'll think 'Oh just four years ago.' :)

  4. Wow Kathleen, ton jardin est vraiment superbe! Les fleurs sont magnifiques. Autant les vrais que celles que tu as peintes pour ton blog, c'est vraiment superbe! Bravo! Les pivoines et les coquelicots sont mes fleurs préférées, en plus du muguet.

    Tu m'a fait rire avec ton Meeko... trop mignon celui-là!

    Je vais revenir faire mon tour par ici, ça sent bon! : )

    1. Merci Eva de tes commentaires super gentils. Je trouve que tu as trouvé un petit coin de paradis campagnard chez toi. :)

  5. What a beautiful garden you've created Kathleen - no wonder it's such a struggle to dig vs paint!

    Peonies are such gorgeous blooms, with poppies not far behind!

    Meeko reigns with such quiet dignity...

    1. Thanks Cindy. You understand that trowel/paintbrush struggle too.

      You made me guffaw with that comment about Meeko. Well, I guess he has 'moments' of quiet dignity. :)

  6. Where have I been hiding ? Under a rock ? Why did I miss so many of your posts ?!! Sorry about that, Kathleen.
    I understand about the uncomfy bench. Why not adding a long puffy cushion for the seat & other cushions for the back ? If you make a little handle, you could carry them when you need them. I've also seen cushion made of oilcloths (waterproof) but I doubt it'd be very comfy on the skin, in the summer heat ... ahem.
    Wishing I could walk in your garden & share a cold drink with you on this beautiful (though uncomfy) bench. (I have some "built-in" cushions myself, so that's not a problem LOL)


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