May 28, 2012

Let It Snow

Yes, it's snowing here. Thankfully, it's not the icy, frosty type.  This snow is delicate and frothy and very welcome in my garden.

I have several viburnums in my garden but these two have 'snow' in their names:  Snowball Viburnum (viburnum opulus roseum)

and Summer Snowflake Viburnum (viburnum plicatum).

Aren't the crinkly petals wonderful?

I've made lots of progress in my garden the past couple of weeks but there are still two major flower beds to clean up.  This is the most intensive time of year for me gardening-wise. After that, it's a matter of not letting the weeds take over.  I hope to get back to painting soon.

Yesterday, we tested our irrigation system.  Meeko only chewed six sprinklers this past winter, compared to twenty-five the year before!  He concentrated on an area that I can't see from the house. Very sneaky of him. I repaired them yesterday, wrapped them with chicken wire and sprayed them with citronella (as he does not like that smell) and hope he will stay away from them for a little while (like maybe all summer!). I guess I should thank him though for allowing me to add sprinkler repairs to my handywoman repertoire.


  1. Wow, these are totally amazing ! Really looking like big, fat snowballs !!
    YES to handywomen ! (which I would love to be)

    1. Aren't the snowballs beautiful? This is the most blossoms I've seen on this shrub so far. It was planted 12 years ago.

  2. Those are as pretty as can be - lovely! :-)

    1. There's something very elegant about white flowers.

  3. Those flowers are just exquisite, they are stunning. Those crinkly petals look like pressed paper, wow, thanks for showing them. That Meeko, he's a garden helper alright!! :)

    1. Oh yes. Meeko is very hands on (um, paws on) in the garden. Lucky me. ;) The petals do look like embossed paper. So beautiful.

  4. Petal pom poms! Just gorgeous. And such a pure shade of white!

    Fingers crossed for your sprinkler survial rate this year!

  5. never tire of seeing gorgeous photographs of your garden
    your efforts are certainly worth it

  6. I was admiring a bush just like this at a friend's farm on the holiday weekend. It was enormous! About 8 feet high and you could probably hide a small car behind it. Just beautiful!
    Do yours attract many butterflies?
    Meeko must chew those sprinklers like my youngest likes to chew straws. Good for you for being a handy-woman. I probably would have thrown my hands in the air and cried. LOL

  7. Thanks everyone for the nice words and good wishes.

    I'm hoping Meeko will be a little more mature about the sprinklers this summer. Ha!

    There have been lots of butterflies in the garden recently. We saw a huge, gorgeous Swallowtail on the weekend. They are spending most of their time recently on our dwarf Palibin lilacs.

  8. Add sprinkler repair service in your sites. :)

    1. Good idea! Watercolour paintings and sprinkler repair. There is an H20 connection after all. :)

  9. the garden(s) are looking great, but I know how much work is involved. You must sleep really well!

    thank you for visiting my blog and participating in the Pillow Give Away.

    have a great weekend

    1. Thanks Barbara. It's true: gardening and being outdoors does help with sleeping. Happy weekend to you too. :)


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