April 30, 2012

Could It Be?

Yesterday, I gardened wearing a winter jacket. I pretended it was warm outside. On Saturday morning, it was 0 degrees. Yesterday, it started at a toasty 3C (37F).

Today, I don't need to make believe. It feels different. I heard lawnmowers in the neighbourhood for the first time. A bud on our magnolia tree is starting to unfurl, with many more to follow. All of the spring flowers are open wide, drinking in the warm sunshine. The lilac buds look like they are just days away from blooming. There are butterflies in the garden and a new family of sparrows in one of our birdhouses. Meeko and I took a long walk at lunch and came back overheated rather than chilled to the bone.

Prairie Crocus (plus the top photo)
I really love prairie crocuses.  They are such dramatic and bold looking spring flowers.  I have white ones too that aren't out yet.  Prairie crocuses are the provincial flower of Manitoba, the Canadian province where I was born.  I just found out that they are also the state flower of South Dakota.

Dasystemon Tulip (tulipa tarda)
Wood violets in the lawn
Daffodil (a lovely pale yellow but I don't remember its name)
Greigii Tulip 'Toronto'

This is my first spring blogging and, when I read others' blogs, it really hits home how our spring weather is behind so many other areas--except for that weird dose of hot weather we got in March.  It's hard to be patient sometimes, but then it feels really good when it does finally arrive!


  1. funny how we grow up with certain names for flowers that have many
    i have always called it pasque flower and i love it so as well.

    1. It has a lot of different names: pasque flower, wind flower, pulsatilla, maybe others. I always liked the name 'praire crocus' because of my family's Western roots. :)

  2. Yay ! Hoorray !!!!
    Wishing you that spring is now here to stay !
    (spring here usually comes early, or very early compared to you. This year, spring's weather's been particulary odd)
    Gorgeous flowers that I had never seen or heard of, so thanks for introducing them to me !

    1. I hope it stays for a while too! :) That feels kind of special to be able to introduce you to a flower that you don't know...you know so many!

    2. gosh, you must be kidding right !
      I know most of the flowers that grow wild in our area
      because when I take photos, I look for the ID in a good book
      There are tooons of flowers I don't know, and to which you could totally introduce me to !
      But thank you for your very sweet & kind words, you made me smile :)

  3. wow... what a weather. yesterday we experienced 36.6C turned 41.2C because of the humidity.

    1. Today our high will be 11C with rain. At least it's not snow. :)

  4. I'm glad it's finally heading your way, we all need sun and warmth so bad! :-)


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