November 8, 2011

More Prints in My Shop (Woof)

I've been hard at work the past couple of days converting my paintings into prints and then taking photos of them. It's painstaking work getting the prints to look as close to the originals as possible. The photography has been taking a long time too. I've put two more of my prints in my Etsy shop today:  one of my painting of viburnum leaves and berries and another of the painting I did this summer of an inuksuk (also spelled and pronounced inukshuk by many).  I've read that the Inuit prefer the inuksuk spelling and pronunciation as it is closer to the Inuit word.

Don't you love that rock with the x on it? It is one of my favourite rocks.  I wish I could remember where I found it.

Do you know that sweet dog in the video I posted on Sunday? (By the way, thanks for all of the lovely comments about what a good job Emma did with her video.) Well, Meeko wasn't such a sweet companion yesterday.  Our furnace broke and the repairman was here for 5½ hours fixing it.  Meeko barked for pretty much that whole 5½-hour period.  My nerves woof were so jangly woof by the time the repairman left woof, that I wasn't much good woof for anything woof that required concentration woof or patience woof afterwards. My brain woof hurt woof.

I cranked up the music very loud while the repairman was here to try and drown out the sound of his power tools so Meeko would in turn calm down.  I'm certain he thought I was some kind of hard rocker.  It probably contributed to the way my head felt too. :)

He looks so darn innocent, doesn't he?
I am hoping to get back in my studio in the next couple of days to paint again.  I'm really happy with all of the progress I've made with my Etsy store, Facebook page, etc., but if I'm not painting, everything starts to feel off balance.


  1. i love rocks

  2. Margie--I love rocks too. I used to collect them when I was young although sadly I don't have those ones anymore. I was a rockhound. :)

  3. gah!!! how cute is your pup??!

  4. Rebecca--His charm and good looks help him on his 'off' days, if you know what I mean. :) Just checked out your blog and I think Sam (what a sweetie-pie)and Meeko would look good together and would probably enjoy hanging out if they lived closer.


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