September 23, 2011

Happy Autumn!

Autumn began at 5:05 a.m. today. Happy autumn! I found a quote I like very much a few weeks ago. You may have noticed it in my 'Favourite Quotes' section.

"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all."  (Stanley Horowitz)

Inspired by this quote, I walked around my garden this morning and took some photos to make this first-day-of-autumn mosaic.

Plants left to right:  chrysanthemum, Japanese anemone, verbena bonariensis, viburnum plicatum, hydrangea and aronia, euonymus, gaillardia

I have lots of projects in the weeks ahead. I am preparing for an October arts & crafts show that I have been doing for the past sixteen years. I'll post details soon. I am also working towards opening an Etsy shop to sell prints of my paintings. Lots to do. Lots of butterflies in my stomach. I hope that you all have exciting projects too.


  1. In our area of the country, SE WA state, the leaves won't start turning until October. That doesn't stop the teachers from decorating with turning leaves, setting leaf art projects and autumny stuff. It will be 90 today and kids are still at school in shorts and t-shirts. (Of course they may all be Autumnophiles like moi)

  2. froggy -- It's pretty summery here today--blue sky and a high of 24C/75F, but nowhere near your 90! My husband has always said that he would prefer to live where it's hot year-round but I would miss the changing seasons. I love fall and spring the most.

  3. i love the color of those leaves
    I had my favorite cords on for the first time this year:)

  4. Margie -- I took the smokebush leaf photo from underneath. The sun was shining through the leaves making the drops on top of them visible--very pretty. Too hot for cords here today but it got dark SO early.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and to leave me a comment. I love reading them. -- Kathleen

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